building something meaningful

It’s been about a month since I started working on the gap year project - well, working on it in earnest. When I began, I had a clear vision and a general idea of what I wanted to achieve, but with very little hands-on experience in building a website, I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I suppose it’s better that way, not having the knowledge to forecast the magnitude of the project. Apparently, my vision and idea were just the tip of the project’s iceberg.

Over the past month, the learning curve has definitely been steep, but not so much that I haven’t begun to figure out how to produce something usable, something that I’m proud of. I really do LOVE learning new things. I’ve also learned that I’m even more passionate about this project than I was when I started it. Every day, as I see the pieces falling into place and the content filling the pages, I see something valuable taking shape. In the end, I’d really like to just build something meaningful, something that others will find meaningful too.


as college admission rates drop, gap years grow in popularity


getting started is the hardest part