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read about our vision, then explore our roadmap of gap year paths and activities

  • our vision

    Over the last couple of decades, enrollment in college has declined noticeably, driven in part by skyrocketing costs and increased selectivity. For many students, college has become less accessible. At the same time, the route to getting there has become more difficult to navigate.

    Yet, at the gap year project, we see these obstacles as opportunities. We provide a gap year roadmap, as a way around the obstacles - an alternate path with the potential for students to learn, work, gain experience, give back, connect, and discover their passions.

    It’s time to bypass the barriers and create lasting change on the path to college.

our gap year roadmap

follow one of our structured paths

or, for a customized experience, choose a different mix of activities

structured gap year paths

learning focus

  • The primary goal: taking classes for transferable college credit. Enrollment is equivalent to a full-time course load.

  • The secondary goal: earning income, to support current and future education. Employment is part-time.

  • These activities are supplemental to classes and employment.


work focus

  • The primary goal: earning income, to support current and future education. Employment may be part-time or full-time.

  • The secondary goal: taking classes, for transferable college credit. Enrollment is equivalent to a part-time course load.

  • These activities are supplemental to employment and classes.


balanced focus

  • One of two equal goals: taking classes, for transferable college credit. Enrollment is equivalent to a part-time course load.

  • One of two equal goals: earning income, to support current and future education. Employment is part-time.

  • These activities are supplemental to classes and employment.


gap year activities


research | learn | work | build skills | connect

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