resources and info > gap year organizations

gap year organizations

established and vetted resources, with information about gap years and opportunities

The Gap Year Association

The Gap Year Association is a highly organized non-profit, offering a comprehensive list of gap year resources for students. It has an extensive database of gap year programs, proprietary and industry research, as well as membership options. Its values and goals closely mirror our own.

  • Their mission: To maximize the potential of young adults, through accessible and meaningful gap year opportunities.

  • Their vision: A semester of gap year time, with access to college credit & financial aid, for every high school graduate.

According to their website, “The Gap Year Association (GYA) is the Standards Development Organization for gap year education in the US, as recognized by the US Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. GYA is the only national nonprofit working to coordinate the growing gap year movement.”

To learn more, click below.


Other well-known US organizations

  • details coming soon

  • descriptions coming soon

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resources and info > gap year programs